Training classes for the public and for competition obedience exhibitors are taught at
Gene C Reid Park at the corner of Country Club and 22nd Streets in Tucson, AZ.
Purebred and mixed-breed dogs are welcome.
There is a 4 dog minimum to conduct a class
STAR Puppy Class A
For puppies 8 weeks to 5 months of age. This program is designed to get puppies and their new families off to a great start. A Puppy’s mental development is optimum during the early weeks of life. Class includes basic obedience training especially geared toward the needs of young and growing puppies, activities and play time with other puppies in the class to insure that the youngsters learn proper canine social skills. Handlers gain knowledge that will be helpful in raising a well-rounded, well-adjusted family dog and learn the keys to responsible dog ownership. The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Test will be administered during the final class. Any passing puppy will be officially listed as an “AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy” and the owner may apply for a certificate from AKC.
STAR Puppy Class B
For puppies 5 months to 1 year. This program is designed to get older puppies and their new families off to a great start. Every puppy needs the components offered in this class; Socialization, Training, Activity, and Responsible ownership. Class Includes basic obedience and manners training geared towards the needs of developing puppies and activities to learn proper social canine social skills. Passing will be officially listed as an “AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy” and the owner may apply for a certificate from AKC.
Beginner Dog
This is also a class for those who choose to go on to obedience competition. The goal of the class is to foster the bonding and relationship between dog and handler while the dog learns basic manners including sit, down, and stay. Dogs learn basic proper leash behavior and to come when called.
Advanced Beginner
This class is for dogs who have already been through a Beginning Class or whose handlers have some experience in dog training and have done basic training of their dog at home. Pre-Novice exercises are polished with an emphasis on control and precision. The dogs and handlers are challenged with longer stays and recalls at further distances as well as different exercises to improve attention and provide variety in training.
Beginner Novice
This class is a combination of basic novice obedience and basic Rally signs and is for dogs who do not already have a BN title. Exercises include Heel on Leash, Figure 8, Sit for Exam, and Recall. Pre-requisite is to have successfully completed a Beginner Dog Class. Dogs must already know how to walk on a loose leash, do a basic Sit/Stay and Recall on leash.
Novice is for teams who have successfully competed Advanced Beginning or a Beginner Novice class and are ready to begin off-leash work. This class is for people preparing for their dog’s AKC Companion Dog title (CD). Main class emphasis includes perfecting novice work through exercises that improve precision.
AKC Rally Obedience is for handlers and dogs who have successfully completed a Beginner or Advanced Beginner class and wish to pursue a Rally title. Rally is a companion dog event and is great for teaching dogs and handlers reliability and trust. Handlers are allowed to talk, signal, and praise their dogs throughout the course.
These classes are for teams who have completed a Novice class and who want to work toward a Companion Dog Excellent title ( CDX) and Utility Dog title (UD). The Open class (CDX) must be completed before entering Utility. Classes are designed to help handlers and dogs perfect the Open and Utility exercises. They focus on teaching advanced dogs reliability and helping handlers perfect footwork, body and hand position while gaining confidence and understanding of the rules and rigors of competition.
Scent Work
AKC Scent Work is a sport that mimics the task of working detection dogs to locate a scent and communicate to the handler that the scent has been found. Real-life detection dogs are trained to search for a variety of things. AKC Scent Work takes this amazing relationship and turns it into a fun game that any dog can play.
Canine Good Citizen
The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program is to ensure that our canine companion can be a respected member of the community because it has been trained to be well behaved in the home, public places, and in the presence of other dogs. At the end of the class session an AKC Evaluator will test the dogs on 10 items intended to represent a well-mannered dog. The CGC class is for teams who have successfully completed a Beginner Class.
Ring Practice
Ring Practice is open and available for working teams preparing for and aiming to earn obedience titles at an upcoming trial. Jack Allen or other available persons can act as a judge who walks you through your desired course or you may walk the course on your own.